願景 Vista

Tasteme APP於2021年4月上線,以減少食物浪費為起點,整合直達性與即時性為企業達成零即期零耗損(短效期或NG福利),極大化剩餘價值。十多萬用戶+千個合作店家,虛實整合(OMO)創造店家的回收成本/減少廢棄處理/開發客群/嘗鮮行銷/企業ESG的極佳方案;並讓消費者以優惠價格購買。最終,透過永續SDGs中食物零浪費達到減少甲烷快速抑制地球暖化,形成企業/顧客/環境的三贏,創造正向良食循環經濟。降低飲食生態碳排放,拯救枯竭中的地球資源,留給下一代更優質的社會與環境。

The Tasteme team started in the fourth quarter of 2020, and the app launched in April 2021. The sharing model integrates directness and immediacy to solve the problem of pre-expired and NG of any products, and maximize the residual value of products. Result in reducing the carbon emissions of food and ecology, saving the depleting resources of the earth, and leaving a better society and environment to the next generation.